Hello there! My name is
Jason Kwan
I'm a 4th year Computer Science student at Western University and currently looking for software development-related internships!
Western Nav
Course project for Introduction to Software Engineering written in Java. Navigation app that lets users maneuver through buildings, floors, and view important landmarks on Western's campus.
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Alexa Clone
Course project for Object Oriented Programming written in C++. Nicknamed Chungus Assistant, uses ChatGPT's api to give intelligent responses, taking vocal input and giving audible responses via text-to-speech.
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Operating Systems Simulator
Final project for Operating Systems written in C. Uses Unix multithreading and mutex locks to solve a theoretical problem involving transporting passengers on trains between stations.
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A little more about me
My name is Jason and I'm an (aspiring) Software Developer.
My hobbies include learning new technologies, or working on exciting new projects - usually both. I am pursuing a bachelor's degree in Computer Science with a minor in Game Development. I previously majored in Medical Sciences, but switched after realizing my passion for Computer Science. My current obsession is prototyping games in Unity in hopes of making something extraordinary - someday.
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